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gardenmod ([info]gardenmod) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-24 14:14:00

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Who: Everyone
Where: Platform 9 3/4
When: September 1st, 1942

It was a dreary day, which was rather unfortunate since everyone seemed to be proper chuffed to be going back to school. All the students were milling around the Hogwarts Express, saying good by to their families and siblings, hoping they made it out of London safely. The attacks had seemed to stop, or at least platform 9 3/4 had enchantments against it for the safety of the students.

The train whistled loudly and all the students said their final goodbyes, hoping to see their families again soon. When everyone was on the train, it began to leave, a turret of smoke billowing up in the sky behind it as it gathered speed.

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2009-08-03 09:07 am UTC (link)
"Uneventful in Paris?" Druella repeated, more than a little disbelieving. "You must've been doing it wrong." The dismissive comment could be considered mollified, however, by the fact that she did pull her little chased silver cigarette case out of her handbag. Flicking it open with a thumbnail, she held it out so that Olive could help herself.

"My summer," Dru continued, with a smirk, "was just what it should be." Her smile widened into something surprisingly almost genuine as she caught another glimpse of the sparkle on the ring finger of her outstretched hand; Cygnus had come down to see her off on the train, as was only right and proper of her fiance. "I had a wonderful time," she added vaguely.

And then rallied her mind back into proper alignment and wrinkled up her nose. "Why would I tell Alfred?" she demanded. "And what earthly business is it of his how many Frenchmen you flirt with?"

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2009-08-04 07:03 am UTC (link)

Olive shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and looked out the window embarrassed by Druella’s words. “I must have,” she mumbled, but her embarrassment faded slightly when she saw the offering of cigarettes. She took one carefully, admiring the sophisticated case and the diamond on Dru’s finger. Engaged and not even out of school? The mere thought of marriage freaked Olive out, and she tore her eyes away from the ring and back to Dru.

“I’m sure it was.” Olive wanted to pry, but because she didn’t want too seem overly eager and pushy, se let the sentence hang there, giving Druella the option of elaborating, though she doubted she would.

When the subject took an abrupt turn to Alfred, Olive gave an involuntary flinch. “Well,” She began, waving her hand nonchalantly, “ He’s rather protective of his friends. Minnie started talking to Abraxas Malfoy recently, and he freaked out about it. It’s just what he does.”

Wanting to change the subject, she decided to ask about the ring. Olive nodded at her hand, and gave Dru a sly little smile, “So, tell me more about that diamond there, hmm?”

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2009-08-04 07:28 am UTC (link)
Dru might have had some manner of arch-dismissive and possibly insulting comment ready to deliver on the topic of just what she thought Alfred Potter could do, but it was completely hijacked by Olive's last sneaky question. Dropping her case back into her handbag, Druella quickly extended her hand again, flexing the fingers and tilting the ring so the facets on the stone caught the light. The diamond - not gauchely large, but sparkling - was flanked by four tiny rubies, set high in silver. The smile on Dru's face was decidedly cat-that-got-the-cream as she purred, "Isn't it perfect?" She flicked the ash from her cigarette out the partially-open window, and continued, "It was Cyggie's grandmother's, you know. Goblin-made, of course." She smirked, and added, "It's a bloody nuisance, actually, always snagging in my stockings, but damn pretty, don't you think?"

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