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gardenmod ([info]gardenmod) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-24 14:14:00

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Who: Everyone
Where: Platform 9 3/4
When: September 1st, 1942

It was a dreary day, which was rather unfortunate since everyone seemed to be proper chuffed to be going back to school. All the students were milling around the Hogwarts Express, saying good by to their families and siblings, hoping they made it out of London safely. The attacks had seemed to stop, or at least platform 9 3/4 had enchantments against it for the safety of the students.

The train whistled loudly and all the students said their final goodbyes, hoping to see their families again soon. When everyone was on the train, it began to leave, a turret of smoke billowing up in the sky behind it as it gathered speed.

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2009-08-01 09:22 am UTC (link)
Oscar always got quite sad when people described their summer as boring, or some other period of their own time as boring. It was only boring if they let it be boring, it was only mediocre if they settled for mediocre, you know? The seventh year Ravenclaw often tried his hardest to get the most out of everything, squeezing every little bit of fun and productivity as he could out of something. He was very much the squeezy type who didn't like to waste things - including food. But that was no matter. He was about to tell her of his theory, before she continued.

"Abraxas Malfoy?" he asked, although there wasn't really much need. He was sure there was only one Malfoy in Hogwarts at the moment. Oscar wasn't one to gossip behind backs or anything, but that was a pretty hard feat to accomplish when you were one as curious as Oscar Boot. He seemed decent in some of the classes they'd shared in the past.

"How so?"

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2009-08-01 09:40 am UTC (link)
"How was it strange?" She clarified, "Well, I mean, we don't really hang out now, do we?" Minnie had been hanging around with Alfred and Olive since first year; she didn't really make it a point to make new friends, though she wasn't opposed to them. "And he's a Malfoy and whatnot, so he always has that kind of strange mystery about him. He acted very nice, but I still got the impression that he was up to something. Or that he wasn't being completely sincere, you know? But I suppose he could have been. Again, it's not like we're close."

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2009-08-01 09:45 am UTC (link)
Oscar found himself frowning; his brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to decipher something. He had to say though, he hadn't gotten the mysterious vibe from him at any point in their very close to non-existent relationship as fellow students. Then again, Oscar knew only too well that he wasn't the best at figuring out people and their signs. Why couldn't everybody just be straight forward?

"Well, why would you bother going on an outing with him?" he asked her, genuinely confused, "I mean, if you barely know him."

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2009-08-01 09:49 am UTC (link)
Minnie blinked. "Well, because it annoyed Alfred," she said, as if it were obvious. "And I suppose I don't barely know him, I mean, we're friendly enough. I just meant that he has that sort of air about him where you can't really tell if he means what he says to you, and all that." Also, she hadn't wanted to venture into Diagon Alley alone. It was dangerous and scary and she could have really gotten hurt.

"And I suppose I didn't want to go into Diagon Alley alone, and Alfred was being insufferable and there's no way Olive would have come. He accepted my invitation, so we went."

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2009-08-01 10:02 am UTC (link)
Oscar was puzzled yet again. He really didn't understand the complex minds of people his own age. Perhaps it was just girls that he couldn't understand and from what he'd gathered, that was pretty normal for a young man of his own age. He felt slightly more easy.

"But why would you wish to annoy your friend?" he asked her, his head cocked subconsciously at her. It had seemed as though he had ignored her actual answer, but that wasn't true, he just had nothing of decency or interest to reply to it with. He wasn't a fan of starting up talk of the war, it happened far too often and it was so tedious.

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