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gardenmod ([info]gardenmod) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-24 14:14:00

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Who: Everyone
Where: Platform 9 3/4
When: September 1st, 1942

It was a dreary day, which was rather unfortunate since everyone seemed to be proper chuffed to be going back to school. All the students were milling around the Hogwarts Express, saying good by to their families and siblings, hoping they made it out of London safely. The attacks had seemed to stop, or at least platform 9 3/4 had enchantments against it for the safety of the students.

The train whistled loudly and all the students said their final goodbyes, hoping to see their families again soon. When everyone was on the train, it began to leave, a turret of smoke billowing up in the sky behind it as it gathered speed.

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2009-07-29 06:48 pm UTC (link)
Hmmm. Oscar. That's interesting, but Ren doesn't care. It's somewhere to sit with people she knew.

"Where's the compartment?"

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