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oscar is in it for the shits and giggles ([info]oscarb) wrote in [info]thegarden,
It took a whole lot to dampen Oscar's mood once it was soaring happily, and the dull overcast weather was no exception to this. He'd long since said his goodbyes to Walter - the previous day, in fact. He was quite pre-occupied with business and couldn't leave the house unattended to escort Oscar onto the Hogwarts Express. No matter though, Oscar thought brightly, at least he had seen the platform once before. He had caught the train to London by himself and stayed in a cheap hotel somewhere in Muggle London, but it was quite close to Diagon Alley.

In a way, the young man didn't want to step onto the train that would transport him to his favourite place on Earth. He wanted to stand on platform 9 3/4 and merely watch, observe the students in their gaggles, hesitantly but excitedly finding a carriage on the train. He wanted to reminisce, to remember his first train ride. It had been one of the most scariest things he'd had to do - he had no friends, after all, but it still remained in his memory - quite vividly, clear as day (although not this day!).

He hauled his trunk to the spot beside him so he could keep an eye on it, and just stood in the middle of the platform with a silly, lop-sided grin on his face, despite the bustling parents frowning at his choice of spot or the small children coming very close to walking into him on more than one occasion.

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