Abraxas stuck to his usual selection method when it came to things like this. Idly running a finger along the glass that separated the ice cream from the customers and choosing. One scoop of toffee ice cream in a plain bowl, plus McGonagall’s chocolate and raspberry. He paid the man, fishing in his pockets for a handful of coins and then counting it out hastily to the last knut.
Ice cream now in hand, he turned back to her. “Um, I’m not actually sure, yet. Sweets. Chocolates, I was thinking. There’s this ridiculously posh place a bit further along that does things like that. Something decadent though, is the requirement.” He laughed, and smiled apologetically. “Then we can go… I don’t know. Well, wherever you like. I'd feel rotten if you regretted coming because I bored you to death with my shopping list.”
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