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Minerva Alice McGonagall ([info]mcgoogles) wrote in [info]thegarden,
Minnie hadn't been overzealous at all. In fact, if anything, she was the tiniest bit late. (Which was very odd, because Minnie was a very punctual girl and generally hated being late.) She had slept late and been slow to rise, stumbling through her room for the right outfit to wear. What did one wear when going on...an outing with a Malfoy? She didn't know. She threw on her robes and sighed, not even realizing the time. It wasn't until she made it out into the kitchen, ("Minnie dear," her mother's lazy voice again. "It's almost three.") and realized the time that she began to freak out. How on earth had she slept so late? She blamed Alfred, really.

Minnie ran to the fireplace and tossed the powder in, saying, "Diagon Alley." before being whirled away. Her mother looked up from her paper and into the fireplace. "Just, be safe, dear."

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