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Minerva Alice McGonagall ([info]mcgoogles) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-21 01:10:00

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we gotta get back
Who: Minerva McGonagall and Alfred Potter
Where: Alfred's house
When: after this.
Rating: PG-13 just for safety because cursing yes.

Minnie was frustrated, to say the least. She was tired of all the indecisiveness of her two best friends and she was tired of the fact that she always felt some odd sort of nagging feeling whenever she saw Alfred, so she decided quite decisively to take care of it. Yes, that was what she was going to do. She was going to take care of her plan in the most Minerva McGonagall way possible. Head on. She didn't even want to deal with the fact that she was going to spend time with a Slytherin the next day, a Malfoy at that, just to get back at Alfred for making her feel awful. He didn't even know he'd made her feel awful, hence, the decision and the head on.

So, when she rushed out of her room, brushing by her mother quickly, ("Minnie dear," her mother's voice drifted past her lazily, "Where are you going?" Minnie hadn't answered.) to get to her fireplace and throw the floo powder in, she had hardly stopped to think about her decision. She was Minerva McGonagall, and once she made a decision, there was no stopping her. There was trying to stop her and failing miserably and perhaps even getting a little injured in the process, but there was most definitely no stopping her. She flung the powder into the fireplace and stepped in, positively yelling, "GODRIC'S HOLLOW."

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2009-07-22 05:53 am UTC (link)
"Yes, you get worried in between being grossed out by me." She rolled her eyes again, because really Alfred warranted at least ten eye rollings per visit. "And yes, I'm sure you get kissed by pretty girls all the time, but none of them are quite as pretty as me." She flashed him a grin and then sat up, suddenly quite fed up with his behavior.

"Alfred James Tiberius Potter, if you do not change your attitude right now, I will hex you into oblivion and then turn you into an arm chair, I kid you not. Pull up your socks and GET OVER IT."

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2009-07-22 07:32 am UTC (link)
"I'm not grossed out by you."
He felt bad that she thought that, because honestly, he still liked her a whole lot. Just not...in that way. Not in the kiss way. Oh Merlin, now he was thinking about it again. He wanted to whine, but she was right here, and she didn't like him whining. As made clear by her little rant. He sat up and straightened his collar, grinning at her rather charmingly. He hoped so.

"What attitude, Minnie dear? I'm perfectly fine, and my socks do not need pulling."

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2009-07-22 07:35 am UTC (link)
Minnie sighed and stood up, putting her hand on Albert's elbow. "Fred, come on. I'm sorry I kissed you, but I'm fine, okay? You're fine, too. We're fine. Nothing is different, I don't know why you keep thinking it is."

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