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Minerva Alice McGonagall ([info]mcgoogles) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-21 01:10:00

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we gotta get back
Who: Minerva McGonagall and Alfred Potter
Where: Alfred's house
When: after this.
Rating: PG-13 just for safety because cursing yes.

Minnie was frustrated, to say the least. She was tired of all the indecisiveness of her two best friends and she was tired of the fact that she always felt some odd sort of nagging feeling whenever she saw Alfred, so she decided quite decisively to take care of it. Yes, that was what she was going to do. She was going to take care of her plan in the most Minerva McGonagall way possible. Head on. She didn't even want to deal with the fact that she was going to spend time with a Slytherin the next day, a Malfoy at that, just to get back at Alfred for making her feel awful. He didn't even know he'd made her feel awful, hence, the decision and the head on.

So, when she rushed out of her room, brushing by her mother quickly, ("Minnie dear," her mother's voice drifted past her lazily, "Where are you going?" Minnie hadn't answered.) to get to her fireplace and throw the floo powder in, she had hardly stopped to think about her decision. She was Minerva McGonagall, and once she made a decision, there was no stopping her. There was trying to stop her and failing miserably and perhaps even getting a little injured in the process, but there was most definitely no stopping her. She flung the powder into the fireplace and stepped in, positively yelling, "GODRIC'S HOLLOW."

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2009-07-21 07:46 am UTC (link)
He didn't even know what to do as she kissed him. Did he kiss back? Would that make her angry? Or would it make her angrier not to kiss back, because honestly he didn't know what to do right now. What was Olive going to...well he COULDN'T tell her, because Minnie had told him not to, but then who was he going to tell? He gasped a little for breath right as her lips crashed into his, which was a very bloody good thing, because he didn't have much time to breathe after that. He coughed a little, and somehow ended up kissing her back. Because he was a boy, and a very pretty girl was kissing him. But he remembered then that he didn't really fancy Minnie. Not like this. He flirted with her because he flirted with everybody...but she was MAD!

He pulled back, frowning a little.

"Have you been resisting me all this time, or is this a new development, Minnie?"

All right. He DID have to joke.

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2009-07-21 07:50 am UTC (link)
Minnie hated it. She made a face and reached out to whack his shoulder in retaliation. She hated how he constantly had to joke even when she was doing something as serious as kissing him. Minnie didn't just randomly kiss people, she had made a decision and it was Big Deal and- Minnie stopped to think for a moment, frowning. She hadn't liked that. That was not a good kiss. At least, it wasn't enjoyable. She looked back up at him, her brow still furrowed.

"That was bloody awful," she said, sounding thoroughly surprised at the outcome. She thought she would at least enjoy it a little bit, because at the very least Alfred Potter was a teenage boy who was not all that bad looking but it had been kissing her brother, and that in itself was wonderful. She began to laugh, delighted.

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2009-07-21 07:59 am UTC (link)
Wait. AWFUL? WHY WAS IT AWFUL? He didn't understand or like that at all. It hadn't been awful, right? Well apart from the part where it WAS Minnie and not anyone else...not Olive. Who had also kissed him earlier this year. And what was SHE going to say about all of this? Oh. Right. Couldn't tell her. Oh bugger. He blinked and stepped away, a little, toward the couch. He sat down, thoroughly shell shocked.

"Minverva McGonagall," he began very seriously, "Are you on drugs or drunk? Because you are increasingly insane. Why are you laughing? This is in no way funny. Please be normal and have some tea."

He wasn't going to talk about that kiss, ever. Not if she didn't make him.

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2009-07-21 08:04 am UTC (link)
Minnie was laughing so hard that she snorted. She snorted in front of Alfred, which only made her double over and keep laughing harder. She could not believe that she just kissed him. That had to be the stupidest thing she'd ever done, and she didn't even enjoy it. How ironic. Or something.

Once she had calmed down enough, she stood back up, looking at Alfred, trying to hold back giggles. "Alfred," she said, thoroughly amused, "I just kissed you, and it was like kissing my brother." She laughed again and shook her head. "Merlin, I'm stupid." She sighed and sat down next to him on the couch, holding out her hands for tea. "Two sugars please," she said in her sweetest voice, batting her eyelashes.

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2009-07-21 08:08 am UTC (link)
He was still definitely treating her like she was some kind of mental patient. He blinked when she kept laughing and scooted all the way back on the couch, looking around for his mother or his dog to distract her with, so she wouldn't deal with this. Lots of girls had kissed him in his time, obviously. But it had never, ever been like this. It had never, ever ended in laughter. He wrinkled his nose and poured her tea, putting two sugars in and handing it to her like she was going to bite him next. Well, maybe she was! He didn't know anymore!


He decided, nodding. "Please never kiss me again. Can I please just tell Olive once?"

He needed to tell SOMEONE about this. He was scarred for life now.

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2009-07-21 08:12 am UTC (link)
Minnie didn't appreciate his acting like she was crazy. Okay, so maybe she was a bit mad, but it was a mad time and there was a war going on and all that. She took her tea and took a sip, "You know, you don't have to look at me like that. I'm not crazy. If you think about it, it's good that that was a dreadful kiss. Now we know there aren't any harboured feelings."

She set her tea down on the table and sighed again. "And you can tell Olive if you want to deal with her backlash. She kill you for kissing back, you know." She examined her fingernails for a moment before looking back up at him. "Also, I'm sorry. For, you know, attacking you."

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2009-07-21 08:34 am UTC (link)
He looked at her, and then the floor, and then her again. He couldn't actually decide WHERE to look. So instead, he busied himself with sipping his tea. And then he accidentally burned his mouth. Oh, this was genius, really. He frowned at her. "It wasn't DREADFUL, I'm sure you've had worse."

He didn't want to be known as Alfred the Dreadful Kisser.

"I wasn't in my element, you took me by surprise."

That, and she was right. No harbored feelings. He frowned at her again, utterly confused once more.

"Why would Olive care?"

They weren't together...right? He sighed. It was a bit awful, he had to admit. But he shrugged at her apology. "Least you didn't hex me, right?" That would have been TERRIBLE.

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2009-07-21 08:38 am UTC (link)
Minnie shrugged, picking up her tea again and drinking more. It really was very good tea. "Johnathan Capper was certainly worse," she mused, taking another quick sip. She reached over to pat his knee comfortingly. "You know, it's alright, it's my fault the kiss was dreadful, I'm sure. And Olive would care simply on principle. I mean, I cared when she kissed you at the end of OWLs. It has the potential to mess up the group dynamic and all that."

She smiled and moved her hand from his knee to ruffle his hair. "Yes, I could've hexed your nose right off your face. That would have been even more dreadful." She smiled, clearly teasing. "Cheer up, Al, you'll be alright."

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2009-07-22 04:59 am UTC (link)
"Wait, when did you kiss Jonathan Capper? I don't remember that."

He was instantly protective again. He didn't know if he liked Jonathan Capper, and he definitely didn't like that he kissed his best friend. But he knew that telling her that now just made things look odd. Wait. Would this make things look REALLY odd? He didn't know. Well, he certainly hoped not. He wrinkled his nose.

"Well...I have a question. A very important one."

He nodded, quite seriously.

"Why on EARTH did you have to test THAT in the first place? You knew there was nothing between us. Ever. That would just be wrong and weird, Minerva."

Not that she wasn't very pretty. But as much as they flirt-teased, they were practically siblings. Who kissed this once. Oh dear.

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2009-07-22 05:06 am UTC (link)
"Because you didn't know about it," Minnie said, airily and infuriatingly condescending all at once. It wasn't any of his business who she kissed or when, even if they were like siblings. Who had kissed. Urgh.

"Well, I'm sorry! I suppose I'm just an abomination against nature or something!" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "I just had to test it, okay? It's better safe than sorry. Besides, you don't get kissed by pretty girls like me every day, do you?" She grinned at him over the cup and winked.

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2009-07-22 05:34 am UTC (link)
"Why don't I know about it? Why? Minnie, you have to tell me about these things, I get worried, you know. Extremely."

He frowned at her, pouring himself more tea like it was going out of style. He didn't understand her need for testing things. This wasn't a science experiment. This was awful and now he felt flustered and awkward and horrible. He sighed.

"I DO get kissed by pretty girls most days, and don't wink at me anymore. Makes me uncomfortable. I really don't think I'll ever be able to look you in the eye again."

All right, so he was being very childish and dramatic...but he didn't care. This was TERRIBLE.

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2009-07-22 05:53 am UTC (link)
"Yes, you get worried in between being grossed out by me." She rolled her eyes again, because really Alfred warranted at least ten eye rollings per visit. "And yes, I'm sure you get kissed by pretty girls all the time, but none of them are quite as pretty as me." She flashed him a grin and then sat up, suddenly quite fed up with his behavior.

"Alfred James Tiberius Potter, if you do not change your attitude right now, I will hex you into oblivion and then turn you into an arm chair, I kid you not. Pull up your socks and GET OVER IT."

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2009-07-22 07:32 am UTC (link)
"I'm not grossed out by you."
He felt bad that she thought that, because honestly, he still liked her a whole lot. Just not...in that way. Not in the kiss way. Oh Merlin, now he was thinking about it again. He wanted to whine, but she was right here, and she didn't like him whining. As made clear by her little rant. He sat up and straightened his collar, grinning at her rather charmingly. He hoped so.

"What attitude, Minnie dear? I'm perfectly fine, and my socks do not need pulling."

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2009-07-22 07:35 am UTC (link)
Minnie sighed and stood up, putting her hand on Albert's elbow. "Fred, come on. I'm sorry I kissed you, but I'm fine, okay? You're fine, too. We're fine. Nothing is different, I don't know why you keep thinking it is."

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