He didn't even know what to do as she kissed him. Did he kiss back? Would that make her angry? Or would it make her angrier not to kiss back, because honestly he didn't know what to do right now. What was Olive going to...well he COULDN'T tell her, because Minnie had told him not to, but then who was he going to tell? He gasped a little for breath right as her lips crashed into his, which was a very bloody good thing, because he didn't have much time to breathe after that. He coughed a little, and somehow ended up kissing her back. Because he was a boy, and a very pretty girl was kissing him. But he remembered then that he didn't really fancy Minnie. Not like this. He flirted with her because he flirted with everybody...but she was MAD!
He pulled back, frowning a little.
"Have you been resisting me all this time, or is this a new development, Minnie?"
All right. He DID have to joke.
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