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8th-Jan-2011 10:06 pm
Who: Elani and whomever else is out and about
Where: Village streets
When: Early morning
Warnings: None?

The day had dawned bright, cheerful, and warm, just like many of the days seemed to be here in the Village. Being that Elani herself had always been something of an early riser, she had dawned bright and cheerful right along with it. Of course, there was always work to be done so waking with the sun was definitely not a fault to be found in a girl who worked in an Inn. Even if Humphrey rarely expected her to actually work until later in the day, when the village's residents began trickling in for an afternoon or evening meal. That was when she needed to be down in the main room, smiling and bringing plates of food and mugs of ale. Or singing. There were still many songs they'd never heard that she had yet to sing so the novelty of having her there hadn't worn off yet.

And she was learning new songs all the time.

Still, though she wasn't expected to help with the day's cooking that would already be beginning down in the kitchen, just the evening before Humphrey had been lamenting a distinct lack of the herbs he usually used in his famous meat pies. Elani seemed to remember seeing a patch of wild herbs growing near the field south of the village and was sure the freshly picked plants would make for a welcome surprise.

So that was what saw her exiting the Inn just as the sun rose above the trees of the forest. She'd made sure to be prepared, too, putting on her shabbier skirt and blouse since she would be likely getting dirty and hot. She'd even tied her hair back, out of the way, though not having it hanging loose always felt awkward and strange. On her arm, she carried a large basket with which to bring back the wild rosemary and thyme she hoped to recover...and she thought she remembered some wild onions, too. And of course, if she picked a few wildflowers along the way, they could always brighten up the inn's common room.

Being that it was still early and few people seemed to be stirring from their homes yet, she'd wait until she passed the last house to start singing to herself.

But that didn't stop her humming a happy tune as she walked.
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