Who: Phillip and anyone in the castle
Where: The Piper's Castle
When: Late in the evening
Warnings: None?
Poor Prince Phillip was looking rather worse for wear. A bit dirty, a bit sweaty, a lot bedraggled. Definitely not princely. He'd been riding for hours since he'd crossed the Piper, trying to find the way home. It shouldn't have been that far, it hadn't been that far when he'd followed the Piper's song.
Magic, again, making things more complicated than they ought to be!
And now he found himself in some godforsaken village filled with all manner of strangers. At least the place had a castle, though there was apparently not a king to appeal to. No, this castle belonged to the Piper!
And now, Phillip was fairly certain he wouldn't even be in here except that the prospect of sleeping outside was hardly appealing. Be that as it may, he found himself wandering the halls of the castle, not quite fitting in amongst the cheerful folks who made their home there. Not when he was dirty and cranky and just about desperate enough to simply make his bed out in the stable with his horse!
If only he could find his way back to the stables first.
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