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Puss de Carabas ([info]themarquis) wrote in [info]theblackforest,
Puss was out on his morning jaunt, bounding through the grass happy as can be. He didn't mind living in the Piper's castle, but cold stone had never sung to him the way a field of tall grass did. He was a wild thing after all, a feral cat in the polite disguise of domestication. His manners could hardly counter his nature.

So it was that he crept out of the castle just before dawn and wandered the land, the woods, the field, the places where human hands hadn't spoiled the natural world.

He was just about ready for breakfast, a quick wander through town, maybe an unsuspecting resident would offer a sad, stray cat a plate of food. He didn't bother with Handel's Tears anymore. One of the witches had tried to turn him into a meat pie. At least in the village there was less of a chance for him to end up as dinner.

Winding his way along the streets he spied a very pretty lady with long, blonde hair humming as she walked. He was drawn to her simply because she was a pretty thing and her tune was delightful. He sauntered up to her and looked expectantly upward, offering her a polite mew.

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