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Victor Fox; Robber Bridegroom ([info]therobbergroom) wrote in [info]theblackforest,
@ 2011-04-19 18:23:00

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Entry tags:elani, victor fox

WHO: Victor Fox and OPEN
WHERE: Blind Mice Way, near Humphrey's Humble, Happy Pie.
WHEN: Afternoon, when respectable people are working.
WHAT: Victor's out for a bit of snooping about. Window shopping on all the pretty virgins he can't afford to 'dine with' at the moment. Far be it for him to draw the wrong sort of attention to himself.

Victor wasn't the most popular of guys, that much was true. There was an air of mystery about him that seemed to be laced with a touch of sinister, or at least that was what some of the overly honest individuals would tell him...before promptly asking him to leave. It made things difficult when trying to do business about the town, but he didn't seem to mind all that much most of the time. After all, he really only wanted one thing out of the fine gentlemen of the village: their virgin daughters.

He had been taking a careful catalog of them since he first moments in the Village, measuring them up and down with the same critical eye of an artist. For instance, he was convince Hannah Owen likely a tender meat, but a touch heavy on the fat. She had a fancy for sweets, and never said no to any dessert her father could think up. On the other hand, Abigale Ables was likely lean, for she was a long, pole of a girl that ate no more than a birds worth of food a day. The list was countless, and each time he passed a new girl, he took terrible pains to remember every visible inch of her.

A man had to know these things, after all.

But for him, he thought, the finest meal the entire city had to offer for Elani, the young serving wench that delivered the food in Humphrey's shop. She was not too heavy on the fat, but not so lean as to be tough. If anything, she was the perfect mixture of both, and a promising choice.

If she ever looked at him. Thus far he had hardly had a chance to speak with her, through some affect of ill luck and well placed blockades; curtsy of Humphrey no doubt. Still, there was always a chance...and so, in his aimless wanderings, he yet again found his feet guiding him toward his most coveted prize.

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2011-04-22 12:46 pm UTC (link)
Victor's eyes lit up as he spotted Elani stepping out of the shop. She really was quite the sight to behold, head somewhere in the clouds as her hips swayed back and forth with each step. She'd missed her calling, if one asked him, but that didn't matter all that much. The men of the world lost out on what he gained- or would have gained, he supposed, under different circumstances.

Dropping a hand to the hilt of his sword, he let her pass before turning about to come up beside her left side. "Tis a lovely day," he remarked, casual in his observations. "Not a cloud in the sky. Would be quite a nice day for a ride."

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2011-04-22 01:02 pm UTC (link)
Elani started a little when Victor appeared at her side. She smiled over at him and nodded, "it is definitely that."

But then, it would take quite a dreary, cold day to dampen Elani's enthusiasm.

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2011-04-22 02:28 pm UTC (link)
Well, wasn't she just a darling little thing? Victor smirked a little as he limped along beside her. "And yet, you do not seem to be set upon riding. To which I must ask, what could possibly be more engaging?"

Looking back over his shoulder, he sighed a little. "What is your name?" He asked, though he knew it well enough. He didn't want to be 'creepy'.

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2011-04-22 02:36 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, I've work to do...an errand to run." She was smiling, yes, but there was a sense of wistfulness in her voice.

It was a lovely day, after all.

"I'm Elani! And you, sir?"

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