Who: Phillip and ?
Where: The Village streets
When: Nearing sunset
Warnings: None to speak of
It couldn't be said that Phillip was settling in to his new situation though he had, at least, spent time finding his way about the Castle inasmuch as he needed to. He could now find his way to his room, to the food, and to the stables. He'd also managed to find the right person to ask about having baths brought to his room though he hadn't availed himself of any other 'service' the maid might have provided. Truly, he'd only been in the Castle enough -- once he'd found his way -- these past several days to sleep, eat, and bathe as needed. The rest of his time had been spent riding all over the land surrounding the Village.
He had also discovered that one couldn't just keep riding away forever. No, eventually -- and he hadn't quite managed to put his finger on exactly where the line was -- he always seemed to find himself riding back toward the village even when he could have sworn he'd been riding in a perfectly straight path "away".
Magic, again. Far too frustrating.
He'd ridden quickly, he'd ridden slowly, he'd walked on foot, he'd gone in all sorts of directions, and had even briefly considered (but discarded) the idea of riding backwards. It didn't seem to matter how he went, he still couldn't actually leave.
And so it is that a tired, frustrated, and possibly homesick prince may be seen walking back into the Village as the sun is going down, leading his horse beside him.
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