Who: Giovannuzza and Victor Fox
Where: Handel's Tears
When: Very late evening
Warnings: Gratuitous nudity!
It was probably odd to imagine so, but Albert Magnus was one of the few humans Gia tolerated with good humor. He was a terrible, rotten bastard, perhaps even more so than some others, but he never presented himself as anything more and that was what made him different. Others tried to pretend that they were trustworthy, or generous, or kind, and it was that deception that was the basis of all that she found wrong with mankind in general.
So she served revolting drinks in his disgusting bar to his hideous patrons; it passed the time and both fulfilled and quashed that irritating need for human contact she found herself fighting day in and day out. And when the last of the seedy drunks stumbled out in the wee hours of the morning, she would bid goodnight to that terrible, rotten bastard and leave to make the rest of the day her own.
She circled around the back of the building, weaving through piles of trash and discarded furniture (mostly broken from the all-too-frequent brawls) and down one of the less-traveled alleys. Thinking herself alone in the darkness, she kicked off her shoes and began to shed the remainder of her clothing.
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