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Rose Red ([info]rosered) wrote in [info]theblackforest,
@ 2011-01-15 23:41:00

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Entry tags:azkadellia, rose red

Who: Rose Red and Azkadellia
Where: The Piper's Castle
When: After this
Warnings: None yet!

Rose Red was unnerved after her run-in with Snow. She hadn't seen her in so long and the shock value was a little more than she could handle. It was crazy. Crazy! How could they both have heard the music and followed it here? Of all places Snow could have ended up... she had to end up here? Really?

Rose had slowly made her way back inside after a while and was now wandering the halls of the palace, looking for anyone who might help. She really did need something to be done about those trolls. So she meandered around the palace, completely oblivious as to where she was.

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2011-01-16 04:16 am UTC (link)
"Ah. The woods." Az might have picked the woods, except that they were close to the witches. It wasn't so much a fear as a safety precaution. No use putting herself in the way of danger. "I'm Azkadellia. I stick to anywhere not the woods." She grinned kindly and shook the other woman's hand. "You can call me Az or Azkadee."

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2011-01-16 04:47 am UTC (link)
"It's very nice to meet you Az," she said warmly. "Makes sense as to why I haven't seen you," she grinned.

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2011-01-16 04:56 am UTC (link)
"Well. I'm new too," she replied a little shyly. It wasn't a big secret or anything she needed to hide. She could trust a stranger with that much. "Still figuring my way around. I don't think I'll be much help."

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2011-01-16 07:15 am UTC (link)
"Welcome," she smiled. "It's ok, I don't know if I'm even up for talking to someone in charge today. I had trolls in my garden," she laughed. "Not a big."

"How are you finding it here?" she asked cheerfully.

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2011-01-16 06:22 pm UTC (link)
Az's jaw fell a bit. "Trolls. In your garden?"

She raised an eyebrow and regained her composure. "Oh. It's different. New." She shrugged. "I like it so far."

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2011-01-16 06:26 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, they think they own the place," she rolled her eyes. "Oh... right..." I think they call it culture shock, she thought to herself. She would try to cut back on the weirdness of the place for now.

"It is a strange place," she nodded. "How long have you been here?"

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2011-01-16 06:32 pm UTC (link)
It probably wasn't as weird as Az's home was, but a different kind of weird was a little too much to absorb at the moment. "So was where I'm from," she replied with a little gesture over her shoulder.

She looked around the hall way. "I could take you down to the dining hall if you're peckish? I bet they have something to eat before you head back out to the forest."

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2011-01-16 06:38 pm UTC (link)
Rose smiled. "Me too," she nodded.

"That would be great," she said. "I haven't eaten much but an apple today!" she said.

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2011-01-16 07:00 pm UTC (link)
Az had eaten awhile ago, but she could have a bit of dessert, or maybe just a cup of coffee. "The kitchen here is pretty grand. They make all kinds of cuisine, though I expect that's because they don't want everyone yelling at them." They hadn't quite mastered the spices of the O.Z., but she imagined they weren't in high demand here; maybe too hard to come by.

She led Rose down the corridors back to the dining hall and took a seat. "Someone will be along to ask what you'd like." It wasn't quite like a restaurant, those strange things DG used to talk about after her return. It was more like a grand dining hall in any palace, except that they could eat anything they like instead of whatever was being served.

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2011-01-16 07:05 pm UTC (link)
Rose Red followed along with Az. "Wow, this place sure is fancy," she marveled at the dining hall. She grinned when Az talked about the food made in the palace. "I haven't eaten in a place like this in years."

"What do you suggest?" Rose Red asked. "To be honest I have no idea where to even begin," she said with a shy smile.

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2011-01-22 01:49 pm UTC (link)
"I've never had a pie I didn't like, though I suppose that's more for dessert." She shrugged and smiled at her companion. "It's not the right time of day, but they do a really excellent breakfast spread too." Then she laughed. "Wow, I'm really helpful."

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