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bullpen_misc ([info]bullpen_misc) wrote in [info]the_bullpen,
@ 2011-04-28 00:22:00

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Entry tags:"character q&a"

Character Q&A
"Hello and welcome back to another installment of Character Q&A. This week we have Toni Rhodes and Ash Curry.

Toni is the daughter of James Rhodes and Monica Rambeau. She keeps Anya Stark from getting into too much trouble and is a member of Force Works.

Ash is the daughter of Arthur Curry and Mera. She's a magic user, a princess of Atlantis, and a member of the Titans East.

Now comes the point where you get to ask either of these fine young heroes questions. Please keep the questions this side of appropriate and remember the person being asked can politely refuse to answer any question."

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2011-04-29 02:06 am UTC (link)
Yes. I'm afraid of what would happen if.... I don't want to imagine that again.

But what happened to him? He has to be alive still, right?

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2011-04-29 02:09 am UTC (link)
To be honest, I don't know.

I never really knew any heroes. My parents pushed me a lot to work with Uncle Ryan, who is a hero, but I never really did until I got the Firestorm Matrix.

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2011-04-29 02:14 am UTC (link)

Well that doesn't help. But I couldn't just go and ask... That might be rude.

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