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bullpen_misc ([info]bullpen_misc) wrote in [info]the_bullpen,
@ 2011-04-06 17:12:00

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Entry tags:"character q&a"

Character Q&A
"Hello and welcome back to another installment of Character Q&A. This week we have Kristoff Vernard and Jay Sayers.

Kristoff is the son of Mirela Vernard and Nathaniel Richards. He's a genius, married to Cassandra Lang, and the leader of the Fantastic Four.

Jay is the son of St. Tom Sayers and Jill Sayers. He's the second half of the new Hawk and Dove and a member of the Teen Titans.

Now comes the point where you get to ask either of these fine young heroes questions. Please keep the questions this side of appropriate and remember the person being asked can politely refuse to answer any question."

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2011-04-06 06:56 pm UTC (link)
Jay, I know it's been a rough month or two, but have you decided on a major yet?

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2011-04-06 07:39 pm UTC (link)
I've been struggling just to stay up to par with grades taking the basics. I'll probably figure it out somewhere in sophomore year.

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2011-04-06 07:41 pm UTC (link)
Okay ::hugs:: you're going to do fine.

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2011-04-06 07:22 pm UTC (link)
Jay is being a Hawk as awesome as Dad says it is?

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2011-04-06 07:40 pm UTC (link)
It has its benefits. But given the missions its drawn me into so far, and needing to balance it with school and college football, no.

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2011-04-06 07:48 pm UTC (link)
Isn't balancing things a part of the job description with that whole Chaos and Order thing. *is a little jealous that he gets to play sports*

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2011-04-06 07:52 pm UTC (link)
Yes, which does not make it fun, much less awesome, to mix super heroing with, effectively, a 6-hour a day commitment in football, plus school - when I wasn't the best student to begin with, but need to keep my grades up or I lose my scholarship and have no choice but to go back to Kansas.

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2011-04-06 08:00 pm UTC (link)
Yeah I don't have any of those types of worries but your girlfriend seems like one of those rare very hot and very smart types so I'm sure you'll figure something out.

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2011-04-06 08:01 pm UTC (link)
My girlfriend is, indeed, very rare. And you're right, we will figure it out.

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2011-04-06 07:29 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff what's your favorite area of study to work with and invent in?

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2011-04-06 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Robotics, safety equipment, and quantum-physics related devices. I also have a 'thing' for low-dimensional topology, merely recreationally.

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2011-04-06 07:52 pm UTC (link)
Cool stuff, I'm a fan of Cosmic energy tech myself. And Robotics are always Fun.

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2011-04-06 08:01 pm UTC (link)
Cosmic energy is certainly a fascinating field as well, but I harbor a weakness for the time-machine work I did as a child. What have you been doing with it?

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2011-04-06 08:16 pm UTC (link)
I've been mainly working in making it a more effective energy source for my tech since it runs cleanly and can provide massive amounts of energy if one understands how to harvest it correctly. I've also been looking into some of the more usual properties it can possess in our universe like Aura Attunment.

OK Time travel stuff sounds awesome. I freely admit to still building upgrades to STRIPE like I did as a kid.

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2011-04-10 03:31 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff, putting aside the relationship with the obvious individual, and your mother's survival (rest her soul), what one change do you wish you could make in your past?

Jay, how do you deal with the dichotomy of your power-set?

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