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bullpen_misc ([info]bullpen_misc) wrote in [info]the_bullpen,
@ 2010-09-08 18:49:00

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Entry tags:"character q&a"

Character Q&A
"Hello and welcome back to another installment of Character Q&A. This week we have Lyta Braddock-Worthington and Mikaela "Mickey" Rayner.

Lyta is the daughter of Warren Worthington and Betsy Braddock. She's the heiress to Worthington Industries and a member of the Champions. She's also dating a certain Russian prince.

Mickey is a member of the JSA and the daughter of Kyle Rayner and Jennie-Lynn Hayden. She's also dating fellow teammate Steven Garrick.

Now comes the point where you get to ask either of these fine young heroes questions. Please keep the questions this side of appropriate and remember the person being asked can politely refuse to answer any question."

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2010-09-09 06:32 pm UTC (link)
So... Mickey...

How do you... um... you must get a lot of attention from guys. ...What's that like?

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2010-09-10 02:45 pm UTC (link)
It's okay, I guess. Gets a little boring sometimes.

But sometimes, it works out all right.

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