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disneyworld ([info]disneyworld) wrote in [info]superlative,
@ 2008-04-24 23:15:00

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I go to school full time and work about 30 hours a week, so it's pretty difficult to keep up with moderating this community. You think I would've thought of that before I opened it, haha. Does anyone have more free time on their hands than me and would like to own and moderate this community? I definitely don't want to shut it down since it's gotten such a great start. Please comment to let me know :)

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2008-04-28 01:52 am UTC (link)
if bonnie doesn't reply in the next day or so i have the un 'superlatives' if we need to start over. :D

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2008-04-29 05:11 am UTC (link)
Honestly, I think you two would probably make better mods. I should've thought twice before I opened this community, I guess I was just excited about the idea of it and didn't realize how time consuming it was going to be. I go to school full time and work almost full time. I have a some free time on my hands, but not enough to consistent when trying to do updates. If you'd like, you guys can have this community, or the layout if you want. You can copy the superlative list if you're just going to open [info]superlatives instead. I've been trying to hand this community over to the people who left their SN's, but I can't seem to contact them :/ Let me know what you want to do!

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2008-04-29 05:12 am UTC (link)
*to be consistent

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2008-04-29 05:28 pm UTC (link)
I'd love to take this one, if that's okay. Having to take the time to re-do the encoding is a bit of a chore, but I wouldn't mind. :P

serotonin and keyblade expressed an interest, too- so if you just want to go ahead and add all three of us as mods, we can sort everything out... and/or if I get a copy of the layout and everything and this ends up tanking here for some strange reason, I can always use [info]superlatives for backup. ^.^

Here's my info, although I won't be on AIM for a few days... sadly I just moved and mah interwebs isn't up- but i'm hijacking it from my neighbor on my Wii. Hahaha.

AIM: violetxteardrop
E-mail: faux_punk_fatigues@yahoo.com

Bahhh or if you just want to call me (haha it's weird, I talk to LJ-ers all the time lol) I can send 'ya my digits. Whatever's easiest for you.

Let me know ladybird! *^_^*

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