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disneyworld ([info]disneyworld) wrote in [info]superlative,
@ 2008-04-24 23:15:00

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I go to school full time and work about 30 hours a week, so it's pretty difficult to keep up with moderating this community. You think I would've thought of that before I opened it, haha. Does anyone have more free time on their hands than me and would like to own and moderate this community? I definitely don't want to shut it down since it's gotten such a great start. Please comment to let me know :)

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2008-04-25 04:20 am UTC (link)
I can't help, I have very little free time myself, but I would suggest looking for a co-mod or that kind of help first, because taking on this whole community is a big responsibility, anyways, I'd be sad to see it go, so if you need any extra help here or there I could probably update stuff every once in a while but I can't take on any big responsibilities, yah know?

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