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mod -- note. [01 May 2008|10:47am]
I'll get everything up to date tonight, when I'm at my mum's house (if no one beats me to it, hehe). [info]dandi if you need the password to the mod account, just leave me your e-mail address and I'll send it to you! :) I fixed up the mistakes on the sidebar, by the way. Everything should be correct now!
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mod -- updates. [01 May 2008|07:37pm]
twig steals Best Purse

Best Picture w/ Pet *
Best Eyelashes *
Best Smile w/ Braces
Best Legs
Best Shoes
Best 'Model' Picture
Best Red Hair
Best Vacation Picture

(**starred links will be finalised tomorrow**)

- I can't do the update tomorrow (if its needed) so go crazy, whoever feels up for it. :)
- The members page has been updated! Check that you're on there!
- The sidebar has been 100% updated, too.
- Don't forget that we're open to suggestions!
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[ viewing | May 1st, 2008 ]
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