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mod -- updates. [29 Apr 2008|09:02pm]
Hiii there, I'm one of the new mods here. :) [info]dandi and [info]serotonin will also be helping out! I hope [info]disneyworld sticks around too!

If any of you were in defcon5 over at GJ, then you'll know I always get the update done without fail. :P So together I think the three of us will make a really good team.

Anyway, I went ahead and got the whole community up to date; thanks for your post perfidious, that was really helpful. :) All of the steals & claims have been fully updated, as well as the sidebar. If you see any mistakes please let me know!! And so...on with the update!

- Best Purse *
- Best Picture with Pet
- Best Eyelashes

(**starred links will be finalised tomorrow**)

...there are still TONS of superlative that need claiming! Feel free to choose a few and snap them up!

Best Teeth
Best Hair
Best Black Hair
Best Dimples
Best Shoes
Best Formal Wear
Sexiest Outfit
Best Lingerie
Best Costume
Best Boobs
Best Stomach
Best Hipbones
Best Hips
Best Feet
Cutest Pet
Cutest 'Other' Pet
Best Looking (Hottest)
Hottest Female Friend
Hottest Male Friend
Best Looking Parents
Best Crying Parents
Best Outside Picture
Best Nature Picture
Best Photoshopped Picture
Funniest Face
Best School Picture
Best Dancing Picture
Best Sleeping Picture
Best Vacation Picture
Best Holiday Picture
Most Embarrassing Picture
Best Phone
Best House
Best Bedroom

...that should be far easier to look scroll through than the sidebar, claim as many as you like! :) I also figured that adding a couple of new superlatives couldn't hurt, seeing as they had both been suggested! So feel free to take these ones as well.

- Best Mirror Picture
- Best Picture with a Celebrity

That's it! I hope there's some activity between now and the next update! :P
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[ viewing | April 29th, 2008 ]
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