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Community Information

Below is information about the "The Scene Queens" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:sq (11262)
Name:The Scene Queens
Theme:Scene Queen Girl Icons

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Interests:6: audrey kitching, hannabeth, jac vanek, scenequeens, sq, zui
Maintainers:1: party
Members:48: atelier, autopsyfear, bitten, blissfully, bows, bratt, cutiefreak, dandi, dannynoriega, dickweed, dreamsgounheard, dutchess, evlblackbunny, gulf, heartbeat, heartburn, highfashion, holdyourstage, hummingbirds, i_eat_icons, imagine, infatuate, inthisfarewell, laci, ley, littlebird, lovelyhorrors, meiosis, melrose, mintchocchip, oneliners, party, pocahontas, risky, rogue, rumors, saekuto, smoothie, stfuplz, thekooks, trashywhore, tryst, twig, val0, veronaschance, water, yellowsubmarine, zoli
Watched by:33: atelier, autopsyfear, bitten, blissfully, cutiefreak, dandi, dreamsgounheard, dutchess, evlblackbunny, gulf, heartbeat, heartburn, highfashion, holdyourstage, hummingbirds, imagine, infatuate, inthisfarewell, laci, ley, lovelyhorrors, melrose, mintchocchip, oneliners, party, risky, rumors, saekuto, thekooks, trashywhore, val0, veronaschance, zoli
Account type:Early Adopter
Date created:2008-01-10 11:52:38
Date updated:2008-06-05 00:45:54, 854 weeks ago
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Journal entries:17
Comments:Posted: 0 - Received: 33
Posting Access:2: party, rumors

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