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Community Information

Below is information about the "sketchpad" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:sketchpad (21388)
WELCOME TO SKETCHPAD! This is a community for all types of artists to get together and share their creations with others! Whether is is photographs, a watercolor painting, web design, sketches, etc! All types of art and users are welcome here.

Because I really want this to be and stay a fun place for sharing and discussing art, guidelines have to be made. Not asking a lot here, just please respect everyone. These are what we have so far... Please follow them. But more importantly, please have fun! ♥

░ Only give constructive criticism to posts if the artist asks first.
░ No Hateful comments will be tolerated. period.
░ Tasteful nudity is allowed. (please note if you think a post is not work safe.)
░ Friend's locking posts is optional, but is recommended if you'd prefer only members see your work.
░ Please put images behind cuts. Thumbnail previews are encouraged!
Interests:28: acrylic, anime, art, brushes, canvus, ceramics, chalk, colored pencils, coloring, colors, comics, crafts, creativity, drawing, illustration, manga, markers, oil paints, painting, paper, pastels, photography, portfolios, scrapbooking, sculptures, sewing, sketching, watercolors
Maintainers:1: kirie
Members:25: azalea, bohemian, breakthehatter, celah, colourvegan, curiousvenus, diaochan, eevee, erzulie, himemiya, kirie, kuroitenshi, leiko, paintgrenades, perpetual, rubbish, sanctified, sehnsucht, shinobu, teazombie, utena, zellywellywoowo, zombeh
Watched by:15: breakthehatter, celah, colourvegan, curiousvenus, diaochan, eevee, erzulie, himemiya, kirie, kuroitenshi, leiko, rubbish, shinobu, teazombie, utena
Account type:Early Free User

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