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Friends Add Button [26 Feb 2008|09:09am]
It goes along with

Screenshot: the button
Screenshot: the output

The Code:
<form method="post" action=""><br/><pre>
<input value="" size="16" type="text" name="remoteuser">
<textarea style="display: none;" cols="10" rows="1" name="commands">
friend add jimmy
friend add scribbld_bugs
friend add scribbldsugest

set newpost_minsecurity friends
</pre><input value="Friends Add" type="submit"><br/></form>

It doesn't join you groups but it's a mass friends add-er, so if you have a community with 100 people you can put your username in the form, hit the button and it adds your friends. They have it at GJ and at IJ. Even changing the website in the action doesn't make the button work.
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[ viewing | February 26th, 2008 ]
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