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Intro Post: Remus J. Lupin [17 Jun 2008|05:09pm]
Hey kids, I'm Anna.

I just finished my first year at Northwestern University in Chicago. I'm a Classics/Art History/Political Science major who takes too many non-major courses to have any realistic expectation of graduating in four years. Usually, these are art or English classes - my favorite authors tend to be Jane Austen, Alexandre Dumas, Ovid, Vergil, Petronius, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Kurt Vonnegut, Albert Camus, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, William Faulkner, J.D. Salinger, and various other (post-)/modernists. I speak limited Italian and Norwegian, but mostly I can say things like, "Are these skis long enough?" I have plans of becoming a part-time ice cream chef in the not too distant future, because my internship doesn't pay at all.

I'm bringing you Remus Lupin, the very sweet, often intellectual but socially awkward Gryffindor with passionate feelings about grammar and literary criticism who spends too much of his time in the library. It's highly likely that, sometime during the course of your experience with him, he will a) correct your grammar via a rarely exercised usage rule that's largely defunct but still technically correct b) make an obscure literary reference that he thinks everyone will understand when, in fact, no one does or c) feel very uncomfortable in your presence for reasons undetermined.

If you need anything, my email address is, which is also what it is if you do not need anything. And my aim, since the sixth grade, is dramaqueen57575.

Looking forward to meeting you all,
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