Roleplay Advertisements - January 22nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 22nd, 2011

[Jan. 22nd, 2011—07:52 pm]



Phoenix Az.


Where are you? No one knows. How did you get here? Not a clue. What you do know is that you fainted and woke up alone in the desert. You start to wander and are found by armed soldiers and are brought back to their base. An old man with a pale complexion and very long finger nails asks you questions, recording everything into a ledger. He nods and gives you a key, a smart phone and a netbook and sends you on your way.

You are in Phoenix, Arizona where the locals tell you to sleep with one eye open. Now that He has you, strange things will happen. You might forget important dates or things you've done and then suddenly remember them days later. One day your abilities may work and the next they may not. They also may be completely switched with someone else. You never know what He's going to do or who he might bring in to torment you. The only thing you can count on here is that you'll never know who He is.

Game opens with 9 characters.
Most Wanted: The rest of the Supernatural cast, more Sailor Scouts, Book!Verse Vampire Diaries characters, Harry Potter kids (Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Blaise Zabini, Mandy Brocklehurst, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Stephen Cornfoot, Kevin Entwhistle. Ect.) and many many more!


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