Roleplay Advertisements - January 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 20th, 2011

metempsychosis - a modern day mythological rpg [Jan. 20th, 2011—01:43 pm]



Think of any long-gone deity from mythology. Now imagine that they aren't truly gone but instead that their essence lives reincarnated inside of that guy who sits next to you on the bus every day. Or Maureen from Accounting. Or maybe even inside of you.

The old deities once existed, once walked the Earth, and mortals trembled at their names. Long ago, they each slowly faded out, their existence only remembered as fables and tales. During this decline, one deity gathered up and called upon his or her last reserves of power and influence to create a reprieve, of sorts, for them all. They would find their essence--their souls if you will--not dissipated amongst the matter of the Universe but instead reborn inside a mortal body. The gods would be mortal, yes, their power would be greatly diminished, yes, and they might not even remember what they once were, but they would at least exist.

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