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Samuel Harper ([info]samlish) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Honestly he didn't know what he had excepted to get back from him, those three words back? Not really, he hadn't even planed or meant to say them, until now, and then they felt like most natural and right thing in the world world. So when Dean just answered him back with a totally shocked face and just a stuttering, he didn't feel disappointed at all, he just watched him as he closed his eyes and a few more tears slipped out of the corner of his eyes. He nodded at his words but then he saw that Dean would probably not see that, so he cleared his voice a little bit and said again, whispering out. "Yeah, I love you. I need you. Please..?" Sam never begged, so many times he had said to everyone that begging came from weak people, well that was his father had said to him, but now it meant nothing, to hell with it all. Begging meant something, it meant that you were strong enough to go down into your weakest most hurtful place and beg someone to help you get out of it. Because that was what happened to Sam right now. I needed him, no one else, just him and he didn't know what he would do if he told him no and got him to leave, he just didn't know..

He knew Dean had a boyfriend, he knew it, but it was like he was putting that to the side, he really didn't do this for revenge at Stewart, or to get Dean back just to show him he could, he had nothing like that in his mind at all. All he could think of was to get Dean back because he wanted him, he needed him, he needed his friendship, his words, even if many of them seemed like useless to others to Sam it felt like home, because under soon six years he had fallen a sleep with the babbling of himself and Dean, it was like a lullaby. The smell of him was like the smell you felt when you got inside the door of your home when you had been away on a very long trip and all along longed for this.. your home, his Dean. He looked down into his face again, his eyes still closed, he leaned over and places a kiss on his lips again, a very small and soft one. "I need you so badly, Dean.. I lie and I hide it.. I didn't see it, but it was here all the long.. Please.. don't leave me." He knew he was pathetic, but he just couldn't help it..

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