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♥; melanieeee ([info]melanie) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
@ 2008-01-09 01:48:00

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WHO; Melanie Roberts && Charles Vaisey.
WHEN; Saturday, September 27th.
WHERE; Courtyard.
SUMMARY; She didn't see this coming. For serious.
RATING; Let's say PG for now.
WARNINGS; Some serious rambling, dude.
STATUS; In progress.

Unlike her roommates, Melanie had always been a morning person. She would wake up every day at six in the morning to prepare for the day and be on time for breakfast. The main reason why she was so used to getting up so early was the time it took her to get ready; it wasn't rare of her to space out in the middle of putting on her socks or doing her tie, always stopping an activity halfway to start another.

Even during weekends, Melanie would continue the routine of waking up exactly at six, lying in bed for at least 10 minutes before heading off to the showers. The advantage of it all was that she could take as long as she wanted to in the shower, without any of the girls complaining about it, because they usually woke up by the time she was almost done getting dressed. Today was Saturday, though, and she could afford staying in bed for longer than ten minutes, but Melanie was too impatient to stay still for long periods of time and it was barely 6:30 when she walked out of the common room - still in pyjamas - and decided to go for a walk.

As she walked through the darkened halls of the castle, Melanie hoped she wouldn't come across Peeves. As much as the poltergeist amused her most of the times, she would hate herself if she caused him to wake the whole castle, so she was extra careful opening the door that led to the Entrance Hall and then the main door leading to the grounds. The weather was perfect, just the slightest bit chilly and cloudy, though the sun was still visible, and Melanie stopped a moment to breathe in the air before going on.

She finally settled on one of the stone benches closest to the water fountain, pulling her knees close to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Melanie usually hated being by herself, but there were times when it was actually rather nice, because she would start daydreaming and her mind would drift away to far away places that didn't make any sense, but then again, nothing made much sense when it came to her.

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