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Samuel Harper ([info]samlish) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Sam knew Dean was not here anymore, he had heard his steps walking away quickly, so now he knew he could do it, he could actually beat Ackerley up and not get stopped doing it, and not get yelled on while doing it either, as he sure Dean would do if he had been here trying to stop it all. In the next moment Sam was walking out from around his corner and against Stewart, and when he was not far from him at all he got the sleeves up on his arms and screamed loudly. "ACKERLEY, I WARNED YOU, YOU BASTARD!" Then his fist was up and he aimed for his nose with everything he had, until he felt something hard that hurt his hand, and then a cranking sound and warm wet blood rushing over his fist and over his arm a bit, down to the floor. He took a step back and stroked some hair that had fallen into his eyes out of the way, getting blood as he did so over his face and forehead. He looked at him quickly and then he gave him a hard punch in his stomach and very quickly with his left fist, but not so hard because he couldn't get as hard with that one, he punched his eye, feeling how much it hurt and how a few of his knuckles probably was bleeding on their own. But he just didn't care, he just wanted to teach that freaking bastard a lesson, make him hurt too a bit..

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