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Dean Urquhart ([info]thebetterdean) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Dean was nervous, extremely nervous. The last time he had been this nervous he had been with Sam, and this was also the last time his stomach flip flopped the way it was right now. Dean groaned as she scratched his head through his beanie and looked at this clothing again. Why did it even matter about his clothing? Was this what it was suppose to feel like with all the girls he dated, because he would totally understand the allure if it was. Dean was so excited about this date, and was pleased himself having the guts to ask him out. He was honestly surprised by how much he liked him.

Finally the waiting got too much and he decided to dash. He had to make it to the seventh floor, but beyond that he didn’t know where he was going. Dean was nervous about the eyes judging him as they walked through the common room, but really how likely was it they knew he was going on a date with a guy. Okay so that was a relaxing thought.

He got out of the common room and navigated his way through the halls. He was walking a lot faster than he normally was which was probably due to his nerves. Dean wanted to see Stewart, not only to kiss those lips again but too talk to him. Stewart was a pleasure to talk too, and he kept his interest. This was what he was missing from Sam, and what Sam was afraid to give him.

As he got to the seventh floor he saw Stewart. “Stewart,” he said as he adjusted his glasses. He waved at him with a sort of smile on his face. Dean was not a smiler, but Stewart really brought it out of him. “Where are we going?” He asked as he looked around the hall, he really wanted to kiss him. Just a soft peck of kiss, a tender kiss, that was all he wanted.

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