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neville longbottom ([info]lonqbottom) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
It seemed like the perfect ending to everything that had happened, really, and Neville's head hadn't stopped spinning, even for a second. He had never felt so amazing, so perfect in his own skin before, and those warm little tingles were still making their way up and down his spine. There had never been such a sense of completion in him, both because he had, of course found completion in that matter, but because Linda was still there when he opened his eyes and remembered that it was her who had caused the whole thing.

For a second, Neville didn't know what to do. He almost started to panic, and he probably would have if he hadn't felt so amazing from what had just happened. Instead of bothering to think about it, Neville shifted so he was sitting up a bit and both of his hands were touching Linda's face softly as her breath tickled his ear. "Will you help me? I-I want to make sure you can feel like that, too."

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