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Ronald Weasley ([info]spidersbegone) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Ron jumped about a mile in the air at the sound of the door being thrown open and Hermione's exclamation of his name. Instantly turning as red as he possibly could, he scrambled for a t-shirt off his bed, holding it up to his chest as a shield as he stood behind the post of his best and willed his blush to go down at least a little.

"Hermione! Bloody hell! Every heard of knocking and then waiting for a response before entering the room?" He scrambled to put the t-shirt on, his face still bright red and his ears even redder, if that was possible. Reaching for his jeans, he slipped those on as well. Turning his back to Hermione as he did so, he buttoned them and sat down on his bed.

"Alright, I'm decent." He said softly, a little unnerved by how insanely quickly Hermione had looked away. That just confirmed his suspicions that she could never fancy him. Why would she? That was the question he constantly asked himself.

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