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athenaspupil ([info]athenaspupil) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
@ 2008-05-17 15:07:00

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Who: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
When: Saturday, shortly after lunch
Where: His dormitory
Rating: PG
Summary: Ron received that Auror packet he sent away for and Hermione is helping him fill them out.

During lunch, Ron had received an owl in response to his query about joining the Auror program once they were finished with school. Watching as he had opened it excitedly, Hermione couldn't help but smile; it was what he had always wanted to do and, a year ago, neither of them thought they would have been able to follow the childhood dreams they had before because they didn't know whether or not they were going to survive the war.

"Does it have everything?" she asked and finished her lunch as he read through it. "Once you're finished we can go back to Gryffindor to fill it out." As she had promised.

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2008-05-23 07:20 am UTC (link)
"Er, is it smart to put bad temepr down as a bad quality? I don't think they'd want an Auror who couldn't control his temper, eh?" He scratched his head as he thought about it. He wanted to make himself look good but at the same time these forms were going to be charmed to make sure he was honest.

"Er, I'll put he strategist things for best quality." And he did so. This all made him kind of uncomfortable. Spilling his guts on a parchment, taking about the good and bad things about him. So strange.

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