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Paisley Howell ([info]tellatale) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
@ 2008-04-26 12:47:00

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Who; Paisley Howell and OPEN
What; Random Run-in
When; Evening, coming back from the Library
Where; Hallway
Status; Open/In Progress

At least not in Paisley's mind. There were loads of things Paisley could think of that would be way more fun than working on homework. However, since she needed good marks, a Prefect who doesn't have decent marks doesn't make much sense, she was forced to spend an evening working on Potions and Charms. Which she could think of a worst subject to work on, but she would rather be outside or in the common room reading.

Thankfully, she didn't have rounds this night, so she was able to go back to the dorm and relax and catch up with people before going to bed. She even thought about writing a letter to Ginny to see how she was doing, ask her if she liked the story that Harry was kind enough to make a copy to send to her.

Brushing her blue strands of hair away from her eyes, she made her way down the hall. There weren't a whole lot of students running around, she figured most of them would be back in their common room, since it was starting to get late. Feeling her books slipping, she looked down to adjust her books and parchment as she walked around the corner, but before she could look up, she felt her body smacking into someone, a few of her books dropping to the floor.

"Oh bugger! I'm sorry!"

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