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Justin Finch-Fletchley ([info]condign) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Justin's brow raised slightly when her attempt at sarcasm turned suddenly to near hostile conversation. It made the Hufflepuff uncomfortable. Absently he wondered if the girl really was bi-polar. It was something he'd considered when he was reading over their comments ... but speaking to her made it seem all the more likely.

Regardless, however, Justin made the effort to listen to the girl's....logic. He found it hard to believe that her roommates to whom dealt with muggles on a regular basis were 'over it'. If anything he made the assumption that Julianne was just as guilty of assumptions herself - but... didn't bother to mention it.

"Well," he offered with a shrug and a sigh as he neared toward the door. "Just because people don't talk about it as openly doesn't mean it's not an issue for them. I mean - it's not something you go around bragging about. Feeling out of place at home and school isn't actually a socially acceptable train of thought." He held open the door for Julianne and motioned for her to follow since he had to lock up. "I don't blame your friends for not wanting to talk about it. It's a personal issue that not a lot of people want others to know."

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