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Justin Finch-Fletchley ([info]condign) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
"No," Justin corrected, "I meant...from that entry..." He'd not meant she was the only one who - merlin, self centered much? "You're the only one that brought up the muggle issue." He snorted halfheartedly as he moved back towards his book bag, "Everyone else apparently only saw the bit in regards to.....MacDougal." He rolled his eyes in aggravation at the other girl's name. That was by far one of the dumbest things he'd ever mentioned in public - ever. And he'd be paying for it for months.

He hoisted his bag onto his shoulder with a sigh turning his thoughts back to Julianne. "But, you know, I wouldn't give yourself so much credit." He offered the sixth year a teasing grin, "I doubt your the first to ever realize that crossing the borders from the muggle to wizarding worlds are a pain in the arse."

Justin wasn't exactly willing to play the guilt game of who's life was harder in the aspect of who felt the preassures more. But he figured he had just as much of a right to say what he had. Despite their not knowing each other outside of Runes club Justin honestly didn't think the girl had any real claim to being the only one burdened with being related to muggles or living for them for that matter.

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