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Justin Finch-Fletchley ([info]condign) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Justin was a bit thrown off by Julianne's addition. He'd not expected the conversation to steer off in any other direction than 'i'm sorry's' and 'it's a-okay's.' It took him a moment to realize what she was talking about. His furrowed brow and suspicious glance quickly turned to closed eyes and shake of his head. "Oh, yeah...." a strange uncomfortable tension was tightening in his shoulders. He tried to hide it with a smile in response to her laughter as he tossed the garbage in the trash bin and took the can from her to return it from wince it came.

He'd conveniently avoided having to have a conversation with anyone about the more...serious issue he'd written about in that damned journal. And he'd hoped he'd have been able to manage not discussing it with anyone for a good long while. But obviously, Julianne had thought otherwise. He wasn't sure whether he should be flattered she were making the effort or mildly annoyed that she seemed to be prying.

"I ...uh," he trailed off a moment as placed the bin back in the space next to the professor's desk. He wasn't entirely sure how to respond. He rubbed the back of his neck out of nervous habit before trying again. "You know, you seem to have been the only one to pick up on that?" he smirked at the Ravenclaw as if trying to make the conversation less ..... uncomfortable for him as possible.

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