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Thomas G. Bradley ([info]knightish) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
The kiss was definitely unexpected, and the surprise that Thomas felt openly refelcted on his features for a lasting second. Jack's lips, even though the contact was acute, were soft and warm and he felt most disappointed indeed when the other pulled away. Perhaps cooties weren't that bad after all. He recovered fairly quickly however and pretended to be disgusted, fiercely wiping his lips with the back of his sleeve. "Oh, Merlin. I'm infected!" he cried melodramatically. "Woe. My life just flashed before my eyes!" Tom closed his eyes, placing his hands over them and suddenly grinned. "And it's like a very long episode of wizard porn. I think I'm going to watch this for a bit. Ok. Maybe later. You're here. I wouldn't want you watching me... " he laughed, opening his eyes again, only to witness the other popping the infected candy in his mouth. Visibly cringing, he made a face at the other, mocking him. "How unsanitary! No I say you should be burned! The evil has spread in your system!" He fished a lighted from his breastpocket and moved as if to ignite the other, even though of wont do such a thing. Merlin knows what Madam Pomfrey would do to his balls if he even dared to have open flame near her precious books.

"Oh, you'd want that wouldn't you?" Thomas teasingly winked; it was too obvious Jackson was innocently teasing. It was just a bit disappointing that they couldn't take it any further. Still theh hand playing with his felt most comforting, a welcomed and pleasant sensation he couldn't get enough of. "Oh really now?" he asked, laughing, his eyes smiling with his lips, and not missing the fact that the other had moved closer. Too hot, the room was getting too hot. One hand reached up to loosen his clue and broze tie, all while his eyes remained unwavering against the other's. "It can be mine? Now there we go." Thomas delicately plucked the quill from the table and moved the soft fathery end over his jaw down to his chin while he allowed his thoughts to wander. "A list would be a good idea, yes, though I believe I'd need time to put it together." he said simply, eventhough there was one things that stood out in his brain that he would like to ask from Jackson. Again. "But my pony is definitely on top of that list. I want a beautiful black one. Tall and majestic... unless you'd rather I name a certain kind of pony if you want to be technical about this, in which case I'd say I have no fucking clue what they are. Go randomly pick one I suppose."

It had been a while since he had ever flirted, or even had much pleasant human interaction at all; it felt amazing how he could smile and laugh again. "Jackson Michael. that sounds oddly familiar, though I wouldn't know who Jackson Michael is." Of course, he wouldn't know who the icon was given that he was born and raised in the wizarding world, and had not had much experiences with Muggle culture. "I don't have a problem with your name. So, yes, Jackson. From now on you'd be Jackson for me." The butterflies are all acting up in his stomach, but the feelings they were giving him were good ones, ones that leave him weak in the knees in a good way. He moved his fingers to brush lightly over Jack's skin, tracing lazy hot circles over the smooth flesh with his index, while the other busied himself with touching him- over the back of his hand, then unexpectedly up his arm, making him shiver. Oh, the boy was good. His wand was still grasped in one hand, though he has long stopped 'working'. "I don't know why it's suitable. It just is. I figure it's perhaps because I can't think of any other name that can suit you?"

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