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Thomas G. Bradley ([info]knightish) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
The cracking sounds Jack was causing made him smile. When Thomas turned around, his smile grew into a cheeky grin after seeing the librarian's furious expression and the almost feral glare she directed at the two of them. Turning back to his companion, he raised a teasing brow. "Can you chew a bit louder?" he asked Jack, once again nudging the other's foot. "And those are candy rocks." Tom explained, taking the packet to read the contents printed at the back. "Merlin's gift to mankind. Full of sugar and love." When the other inquired about their classes, he almost snickered at the look of concern that passed the other's features. "No, I don't so you don't have to worry. We take our classes with Slytherin. And no, we're not redoing everything. I'm sure you know them. A 'recap' is what we're calling it." Even though the other's warning about him falling was so casual, Thomas felt the butterflies at it again. "I'm not going to fall, don't worry." he reassured him witha soft smile.

"Drat." he said with a slight pout to his lips. His eyes gre a fraction however, when he followed the other's hand as it reached towards him to touch his arm. Melting slightly, Tom stopped for a second, looked up the other's eyes, before smirking. "I am, so you shouldn't underestimate me, despite your built." his own hand closed over the other's wrist. "We could put that to the test, but we're studying aren't we?" With that he slowly pulled away and settled comfortably back his chair, his arm feeling as if it burned from the other's touch.

"Well, of course there's going to be more studying, Jack." Thomas said as he sorted. "I'm giving you the liberty of slacking off right nown though. I suggest you make the most out of it..."

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