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jack sloper } ([info]dearjack) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Jack bit down again and grinned when he heard the crack and suddenly the rock split into smaller pieces and he began to chew on them, grinding them slightly and probably making a lot of noise from the way the librarian was looking at him, but quite frankly he didn't care because they were good. "What are these?" he asked nodding his chin towards the bag. It was so like Jack to just take something without asking anything about it so trusting. "Are you in my class?" he asked beginning to feel horrible that he had completely missed the other man for this entire time. He nodded his head and sighed. "So we're redoing everything?" he asked shaking his head slightly. "You're trying to kill me aren't you," he said sounding sure. "Careful, don't want my tutor to fall," he said looking at Thomas leaning back on his chair.

Jack shook his head. "Not a fucking clue," he said perhaps a bit loudly as he got both a 'shh' and a reproaching look from the librarian and he ducked his head slightly. "And nope again," he said laughing softly at himself as he hid his mouth behind his hand so he wouldn't get yelled at. He raised an eyebrow and reached over, squeezing Thomas's arm and nodding his head. "Stronger than you look I suppose," he said nodding his head. "Fact of the matter is, I'm still bigger than you," he said puffing out his chest again.

"I really can't and I shouldn't," Jack said completely unaware of whatever effect he might be having as he shrugged his shoulders and leaned back, hooking his arms on the back of the chair. "You're still sorting? I didn't know I had that many notes," he said sheepishly as he grimaced. "Fine, more studying," he said smiling back.

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