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jack sloper } ([info]dearjack) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
"Well definitely a quarter of it," he replied automatically before shrugging his shoulders. "Well I only get to see it at my grandparents house so to me it does seem quite amazing, but I suppose if you were a muggle it wouldn't be that bad," he said tapping his chin absently before taking the bag of sweets with a grin. "Thanks mate," he said taking a couple and popping a few in his mouth before sliding them back as he sucked on the small rocks absently as he watched Thomas begin to sort of his papers. Even he didn't know what half of them were, he just saw words and other things that were supposed to make sense but didn't really. "Well it doesn't literally rot your brain, it just doesn't really help it, unless you're watching the history station and then you might learn something," he said before leaning across the table to look at the notes and nodded. "Yep, can't follow what they're going over so I just doodle, I think I have an artist in me yes?"

"Haha, in theory I'm good, practical application not so much. Too big to be a seeker, can't throw worth shit, have no eye hand coordination, only thing I could play is beater and last time I smacked my own team member across the head so we decided against me playing," he explained handing the notes back before shrugging. "Just ideas, I'm not going to show anyone, we're doing well enough," he said proudly sticking his chest out slightly and chuckled. "I suppose that was true, it was a nice thought though," he said nudging Thomas's foot back easily. "Yes Bradly, I do like it," he said with another wink before leaning back against his chair and folding his arms over his chest stubbornly, going to be quiet as long as he could.

"Thanks mate, I really appreciate it," he said nodding his head. And it was something he appreciated, he needed to past the next two years to at least try and get somewhere, but he didn't know where exactly so it was going to be hard choosing which ones he needed to focus on. "So studying, right," he said leaning forward over the table.

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