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jack sloper } ([info]dearjack) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
"Yeah, there was some special on them way back when," Jack explained before shrugging his shoulders. He nodded his head and smiled slightly. "Yeah, that's the fancy name, telly or TV works just as well," he replied with a chuckle. He was lazy, he knew it and really he did not mind that much when it came down to it. "Never?" he asked with a gasp. "They're like the most amazing thins ever, you can sit down and just relax for hours and you do not have to worry about a thing," he said nodding his head. "Of course most people consider it to be brain rot, but well they're rotten for thinking so," he said before grinning widely and shrugged. "I'll have you know that my attention span has not grown like I have, it's still rather short."

"But it's a good excuse as well," he replied snorting before shrugging his shoulders, looking through the plays easily before shrugging his shoulders. "They're not actually in practice, just things I think," he said. Truth is he'd been kicked of the team, he was good at thinking up plays and Merlin knew he was obsessed with the sport, but he was not the best player in the world and it was safer if he stayed on the ground. "No!" he said mocking anger, which would've been better if he wasn't smiling slightly. He tugged his papers back, not minding getting into a little game of tug and war, that is until he heard the noise and he grinned, pulling them back finally. He bit his bottom lip for a few moments to keep the laugher in before shrugging his shoulders slightly. "Because it was supposed to help us buckle down and study?" he asked tilting his head to the said and raising an eyebrow. "And I can to be quiet, see," he said making a zipping motion with his fingers and hunching over slightly.

"Mate, it's not self-doubt if it's true. I study, I've had tutors, schooling is just not my thing," he said wrinkling his nose. "But thanks," he said with a charming wink as he ran a hand through his hair.

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