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athenaspupil ([info]athenaspupil) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Momentarily, she was curious as to why he found it so hard to believe that he had told her parents about that and the confusion marred her face. "Of course I did. That was before all the bad things started happening - I could actually tell them about Hogwarts, about all the different creatures we saw in Hagrid's class and anything I wanted to. It wasn't until Second year and the Chamber of Secrets that I started withholding many of the things that went on at school." While she knew it was for the best that she did that, she sometimes regretted keeping her parents in the dark; her entire adolescence was unknown to him and there wasn't a way to repair that now.

Shaking her head him, she tugged at his hand. "You've apologised plenty of times," she assured him. "We were both young and children tease each other, it's the natural order of things. But it's okay now, we're okay now," she added and leaned in to kiss him, hoping it would silence any further argument he might have.

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