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Susan Bones ([info]gotabonetopick) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Susan watched as he sat down in front of her, and she got semi nervous at the fact that he was looking at her as if examining her or something, but perhaps she was over reacting. It had never been something she had notice him do before, look at her, but perhaps she had been so focused on the project she had never noticed. Anyway, what shocked her more than the feeling was the fact he complimented her hair. “Uh, thank you,” she said with a warm smile.

She watched as he pulled out a bottle of champagne and glasses, as she watched him she thought back to his compliment, perhaps it was sticking because it was the first one she recalled receiving from him. Listening to his reasoning for bring the champagne she smiled awkwardly, “well this shall be a first for me.” She shrugged her shoulders as she pulled some plates and forks from her page and a knife as he poured them each a glass. Her eyes focused on her glass and she reached out for it. Her attention turned back to him as he help up his glass and he said for a job well done. “Yes, for a job well done.” She said holding his glass up to his and tapping it lightly before taking a sip.

Her first sip of champagne wasn’t so bad. She took in the taste and swallowed, it had an interesting flavour but she did like it. “This is nice,” she said with a grin. Susan placed the glass down again, but not before another sip. She then picked up the knife and asked, “How big of a piece would you like?” She grinned as she cut herself a decent sized piece and putting it on a plate while waiting to hear his answer.

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