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Justin Finch-Fletchley ([info]condign) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Emma and Justin and Open
"Hardly," Justin offered with a snort. "I assigned jobs to people and they did the rest." And that was the truth. Most of Justin's job was administrative - he told people what to do. They did it. And he took most of the credit. It was a corrupt system, but that's how it usually worked right? Yes.

He'd removed his wand and offered the tapestry a silent charm. A blue mist danced from the wand and snuck behind the wall decor. Soon there after, Justin looked to Emma and offered a nod for her to follow. He then disappeared behind the tapestry and unlocked the door hidden there with a key he had tucked in his trousers.

They entered a small walk in closet with a large trunk stationed in the middle. "What would you like?" he asked as he knelt down and bothered with a second key for the trunk. "We've got firewhisky, spiced Meade, some generic muggle beers, I think we had some cheap rum - but....it might be gone by now." The trunk creaked open and Justin looked back at Emma expectantly.

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