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Emma ([info]emma) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
Emma and Open
Emma had spent a long time on her outfit, of course--a gray striped sweater that she had charmed into a short dress, with leggings and tall boots. These were all cleverly mismatched, as always. Upon entering the room she had scanned its population for anything worth talking about later. Emma had given a round half-hearted applause for Zach, avoided the calorie-filled torte and began circling the room. So far nothing worth remembering had happened, but she would keep a watchful eye.

Wondering where they were keeping the alcohol, Emma reached into her oversized purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. She didn't bother asking if anyone minded and lit one with her wand. They were charmed to smell like vanilla, rather than cigarette smoke, so that her clothes and hair never smelled awful. Exhaling, she keenly searched the room for an interesting person or alcohol, whichever came first.

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