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Ronald Weasley ([info]spidersbegone) wrote in [info]riddikulus,
@ 2008-03-13 18:57:00

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WHO: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger / Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
WHEN: Thursday night, sometime after DA meeting
WHERE: Ron and Harry's dorm
SUMMARY: Hermione finds the stuff from Fred and George's package and arguing ensues while Harry and Ginny listen in from Harry's bed
RATING: PG-13 for swearing and mentions of sex toys lol
STATUS: Complete

Ron had never been more humiliated in his life. Fred and George spent their days thinking of ways to torture him, that was the only explanation. And they'd finally found a way that was bound to get him in trouble. Sending him sex toys? Where did they come up with this stuff? It didn't help that he'd been having extremely intense dreams of the sexual nature about his girlfriend for the past two weeks but then they have to send him a sex book, a lust potion and handcuffs to drive the point home?

Knowing it would not do well for Hermione to see any of what they sent, he hastily stuffed it under his bed mere moments after opening the package and hadn't touched it since. She'd never find it. When was she even in their room and why would she look under the bed? Well, that was what Ron was hoping anyhow.

He'd gone to the DA meeting excited and somewhat distracted, blushing profusely everytime he saw Hermione and seeing images of her and that package drifting through his head. After the meeting, he went for a walk just to clear his head a bit, sick of having Hermione look at him like he was an alien because he was always bright red.

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Harry and Ginny Commentary
2008-03-14 03:35 am UTC (link)
Harry opened his mouth to speak, but he winced, listening to Ron kick and throw things. And then blame it all on the twins. Mate - it's on you, too, you - oh sod it. He sighed, rolling his eyes, vowing to never be this stupid with Ginny ever - and knowing that he probably would, between both of their tempers. But still. Maybe they would be lucky!

He sighed. "Should we follow after them?" he asked. Say no.

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Harry and Ginny Commentary
2008-03-14 03:37 am UTC (link)
Ginny grunted. All of her sympathy for Ron evaporated the moment he blamed it all on the twins. What a male.

"And say what? 'We overheard the whole thing?'" Ginny said in disbelief. She sighed. "Maybe with time, Ron will realise he took it so far, they ended up in Tibet." She tilted her head and brushed her hair away from her chest. "I'd much rather stay here, please and thank you," she murmured, leaning towards Harry.

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Harry and Ginny Commentary
2008-03-14 03:43 am UTC (link)
Harry felt so bad for Hermione, and felt like he could maybe get through to Ron, get his best mate to apologise and head off this fight now - but Ginny was right.

And Ginny was topless.

He ran his hands over her chest and gently lowered her to the bed, Ron and Hermione completely forgotten. "Please and thank you to you, too, I'll be happy to stay right here," he agreed, the fight forgotten with the first kiss.

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